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New to tagging getting a lot of heat

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Dsm1gb, Dec 4, 2017.

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  1. Dsm1gb

    Dsm1gb New Member

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    Hi everyone, I'm new to tagging and had been practicing my tag at home for about 6 months. I finally hit the street the other night. Mostly electrical boxes caught my eye.

    Anyhow I live in a small town where tagging and graffiti in itself is very very scarce.

    The night after I went bombing with my
    Mop people were blowing up Facebook of pictures with my tags furious that someone would do such a thing and the cops are involved saying that they will catch the guy.

    As far as exposure goes that was pretty quick. They are also offering a cash reward for any information.

    Do I keep tagging,change my name or stop? My wife saw my drawings and immediately recognized it on Facebook and was mad at me for it saying how it's childish and immature.

    Here's the thing I love doing it, I love writing I don't see why it's so horribly frowned upon.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  2. Dasp the devil

    Dasp the devil New Member

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    Dude you are tha man!! maybe its better if u change your name but first just slow down a bit. keep it up ma dude.
  3. quickiehand

    quickiehand Senior Member

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    Never stop if you love doing it because it wil just get better and better.

    But keep lowprof around your area so maybe go further away, or if you hit your locals just make sure youre not seen.

    and i would just give fake info and take the cash rewards to buy new cans
  4. Joeka

    Joeka Member

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    it makes me sad to know you live in a town like this but you have a true passion for graffiti, u should move to nyc if u really wanna enjoy graffiti
  5. Dsm1gb

    Dsm1gb New Member

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    Thanks for the replies. I’ve changed my name and keep everything to myself.

    I’m decent at writing tags I just don’t feel like I can do actual art. I am not very artsy and I feel people just think a simple tag looks trashy, but I keep going because I enjoy it.

    I’ve also noticed a few other tags along the way
  6. GuardDog

    GuardDog Senior Member

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    Bro if you can rock an even half decent tag with your mop try picking up a can and learning throwies, that's what I'm all about right now; trying to turn NYC throws into a science and they're way tighter than the pieces I tried doing. My piece was toy af but the throws are so easy to fill, outline, and drop. Forgiving during the fill and are doing real good shit for my can control. Be a ninja and try some