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Boston; No Bullshit

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by mr. she77, May 28, 2004.

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  1. bean_one

    bean_one Senior Member

    • Messages: 212
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    funny you said that... because i was just thinking how ugly that jaze was... that y just didn't come off to me. i can almost promise he'll agree... he has a lot doper deads.
  2. Rane-One(JTF)

    Rane-One(JTF) Senior Member

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    WHOA carns motherfucker. you met me?? you MET me? yeah, in your wettest fucking dreams dude. and im CLEARLY not 19 or 20, so step the fuck off. and how is that even an insult?
    "youre 19 and never joined someone else's crew?" wtf? maybe i prefer solo work? like really.....what the FUCK is wrong with you.
    and you reallllly gotta chill with this calling cnue a toy business. dudes out there every fuckin night paintin. no lie. 6 nights out of 7, usually more. for hours at a time. painting some sick sick fills and its just...
    ..........................why do i bother? he's never gonna get it. thinking he knows me.
  3. Rane-One(JTF)

    Rane-One(JTF) Senior Member

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    oh, and didnt i call that he'd come at me? and with the worst insults possible. seriously, immature AND predictable. we gotta end lil faggot online shit soon. im so sick of it.
  4. carns

    carns Banned

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    Then send it to me pm you maggot, you keep talking shit about your done yet you keep posting nonsense. I am done talking, when I got something to say to you rats I will pm.....I think your referance to TEAZE is sick too. You dont know the dude but you wanna post tribute to him to make people think your legit, like your his friend or something. Back off maggot and from now on PM only, good dudes on this site deserve that. RIP TEAZE...from a real friend

    TOEJAM Senior Member

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    carns does hav a point i mean its good to show love to a dead writer but devoting half of your little signature or w.e to him when you never even knew the dude to me sounds like your just trying to look cool...never knew him but r.i.p. teaze
  6. stinkfist

    stinkfist Member

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    cnue is a fucking geek!
  7. bootiusmaximus

    bootiusmaximus Senior Member

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    fixed that for you.
  8. zoinx

    zoinx Senior Member

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    i like you sn. reminds me of zt maximus. i lived at that place from before the street corse till closing. i really mis it.
  9. cnue

    cnue Senior Member

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    you guys don't even know what's up.
  10. UncleDonny

    UncleDonny Senior Member

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  11. bean_one

    bean_one Senior Member

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    anyone coming on here sticking up for this toy cnue, is a fucking idiot. i don't care who he is, how cool he is, if he's a thug, or if he's a geek. his graffiti, and his attitude sucks. fuck that kid.
  12. stinkfist

    stinkfist Member

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    Last edited: Mar 20, 2008
  13. UncleDonny

    UncleDonny Senior Member

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    cmon man ur really gonna judge some1 over a few conversations online when u havent met them. over the past six months this kid has put in alot of work and everyone gives him shit. If these forums didnt exist u and I both know shit would be alot different.
  14. nasteniek

    nasteniek Member

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    wow six months, big deal! Kid should put some solid work in his throws and handstyle. just cause he got some spots dosent make him a good writer.
  15. whoisthis?

    whoisthis? Senior Member

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  16. cnue

    cnue Senior Member

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    nobody is arguging I'm a good writer. People who don't know me need to stop talking shit about me PERSONALLY. If you don't like the work I do, that's your opinion. You're entitled to it. My hands are fine. My throws are whatever, I'm trying to improve them. But hey whatever.
  17. cnue

    cnue Senior Member

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    stuff from the winter. sorry for the self promo. hate as much as you want.



  18. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    im not from bosten, or even america but im pissed at all the dramma in here, if u lot are from the same area and got beef bitching o the internet is solving shit
    i miss seize
  19. Rane-One(JTF)

    Rane-One(JTF) Senior Member

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    yeah im with wat cnue said. youre entitled to think he sucks graf-wise, but you cant say shit about him being a faggot this and that. you dont know him. period. i technically shouldnt be the one sticking up for him kuz hey, we arent the best of friends either. but i salute ANYONE whos got heart for this. dudes prolly out right now.
    and as for this rip teaze stuff, are you guys serious? so does that mean i cant put RIP dimebag darrel (pantera) because i never met him? or layne staley (alice in chains)
    im sorry but fuck you.
    toejam never came at me so im not gonna be insulting to him, but its out of respect. RESPECT. do you guys REALLY think i put that so that ppl would think im cool? like, honestly? kuz in that case, lets put up that i smoke and drink. then ppl should REALLY see that im cool!!
  20. Rane-One(JTF)

    Rane-One(JTF) Senior Member

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    and half my signature? lmao i only have two things in there. should i add another to make it 1/3 of my sig? kuz i aint taken that shit down. whether i knew him or not. he was a great, if not the best graf writer on the east coast that ive ever seen, and he was taken from this world WAY too fuckin early. otherwise he'd still be paintin now. thats why i put it up carns, you "true friend" you, piece of shit.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2008